Canada India Science and Technology Agreement

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Bilateral cooperation between India and Canada in the field of science and technology through several institutional research links already exists. Canada is a strategic partner of India in the Global Innovation and Technology Alliance (GITA). There is a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Canadian Light Source, Saskatoon, to enhance bilateral scientific cooperation. The Parties shall promote, develop and facilitate cooperation activities in the field of science and technology for peaceful purposes in areas of common interest and on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. international cooperation in support of the objectives of the Agreement; and Canada maintains a comprehensive national intellectual property regime that fully respects its obligations under the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS) and ensures the protection of right holders for all forms of intellectual property. In its free trade agreements, Canada usually seeks to negotiate intellectual property provisions that are consistent with its national intellectual property regime and its obligations under other international intellectual property agreements such as TRIPS and various WIPO treaties. Canada wishes to establish increased cooperation with India on intellectual property issues in areas supported by international commitments, including the enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPRs), as well as enhanced cooperation between our respective intellectual property offices. The Joint Study Group was of the view that any agreement should contain institutional arrangements for its effective management, including a binding mechanism for the settlement of disputes between States. Canadian or Indian workers employed in the other country remain insured in their national pension plan during their posting. Exempt workers and their employers from contributions to the social security system of the other country, excluding cases of double coverage. The number of people who will be covered by a social security agreement is expected to increase as trade with India increases.

An agreement will also help Canadians and Indians qualify for pensions from one or both countries. The number of people who will initially be eligible is expected to be small; However, this number is expected to increase in the future as more and more people contribute to India`s current pension system, which was only established in 1995 and began paying benefits in 2005. India and Canada agreed to establish an energy dialogue, strengthen and expand bilateral cooperation in this important area, and establish an Indo-Canadian Energy Forum. The issue of energy cooperation was on the agenda of the annual Canada-Indian foreign policy consultations. During the December 2008 round, this topic was discussed at length, with a focus on Canadian investments in various energy sectors in India, such as hydro, heating, nuclear, solar, wind, new and renewable energy, including cooperation in clean technologies. Canada has always believed in building international relations with countries around the world through mutually beneficial agreements. It has a special funding program to help projects with the necessary funding and support. Research areas include the application of science and technology to accelerate social change, safe and sustainable infrastructure, and integrated water management The Government of Canada has established formal science and technology relationships and partnerships with established and emerging innovation networks around the world.

International partnerships are a key catalyst for scientific and technological innovation, as these collaborations often accelerate the pace of discovery and lead to better commercialization. In addition, Canada and India are developing a new relationship through international technology partnerships such as the Asia-Pacific Partnership for Clean Development and Climate (APP), the Methane Markets Partnership (M2M) and the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP). Notably, the inclusion of monetary assessments for non-compliance does not undermine the cooperative nature of Canadian collective agreements. Monetary assessments provide an incentive to prevent systemic deficiencies in the implementation of national and international work commitments and to enhance the credibility of the LCA dispute settlement mechanism. They are not intended to replace domestic processes. Funds raised through monetary investments are intended to strengthen the capacity of partner countries to address the challenges of implementing the work. This problem-solving approach is very different from trade sanctions for trade and investment issues or for provisions relating to trade agreements negotiated by other countries. India gives priority to specialties such as space research, civil nuclear energy research, pharmaceutical research, biotechnology, nanotechnology, agricultural and water research and information technology. More than 250 projects with several partner countries are currently being implemented. To promote research and innovation, the Government of India is considering two important initiatives: (i) the National Science and Engineering Council and (ii) nanomission (Nano Science and Technology Initiative). A high-quality, ambitious and broad-based trade agreement will usually cover a number of other issues apart from traditional trade in goods and services and investment.

This chapter examines Canada`s and India`s approaches to a list of topics that will continue to be discussed under CEPA. The agreement was reached to develop joint research and bring together researchers and innovators from the countries. Many benefits such as joint technological and scientific projects, exchange of information and experts are facilitated by cooperation. The general objective of dispute settlement is to provide a formal and legally binding mechanism to resolve disputes relating to the interpretation or application of the trade agreement, including the possibility of recourse when a dispute cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of both parties. Effective dispute settlement promotes compliance with the obligations set out in the agreement and increases security and predictability for commercial actors whose activities may be affected by the trade agreement. A joint S&T Cooperation Committee is responsible for monitoring and implementing W&T`s bilateral activities under the agreement, with representatives from the private sector, academia and government research and development laboratories. Areas of mutual cooperation include: biotechnology/health research/medical devices; sustainable environmental technologies and alternative energies; nanoscience/nanomedicine; information and communication technologies (wireless, rural connectivity, infotainment); Earth Sciences and Disaster Management; Aerospace; photonics; Synchrotron Science; and biopharmaceuticals. The agreement also contains provisions on intellectual property. Canadian funding for the agreement has been managed through the International Science and Technology Partnerships Program (ITPP) and has so far amounted to $5.9 million. ISTPP is provided by ISTP Canada, an independent non-governmental organization on behalf of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. The Indian government is doubling Canada`s S&T funds under the agreement. .

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