What is an investigative interview? An investigative interview is an interview in which a supervisor asks you to attend a meeting and asks you questions about a topic you have been involved in in order to obtain information that could lead to disciplinary action. This may include a patient complaint, peer complaint, record error, delay, etc. You should ask at the beginning of the meeting, “Is this a meeting that can lead to disciplinary action?” If your employer says “yes”, you have the right to request union representation. If your employer says “no,” listen carefully and take notes on what is being discussed at the meeting. If at any time you believe that the meeting could lead to disciplinary action, you have the right to invoke your Weingarten rights. Upon conclusion of the contract, none of its conditions, rights or benefits may be modified by the management in any way during the term of the contract. Upon expiry of the agreement, both parties are required to begin a process of renegotiating a new “successor agreement”. All members have the right to appoint, elect and elect the members of the Union Bargaining Committee. All members have the right to submit proposals for changes or additions to the contract.
Once an agreement has been reached, all members must vote to ratify the agreement. Check out our calendar of events for the latest training opportunities, MEPs` meetings, conferences and more. If this discussion could in any way result in disciplinary action or dismissal or affect my personal working conditions, I respectfully request that my union representative be present at this meeting. Without representation, I choose not to participate in this discussion” By filling out an ADO form, you help to make the problem known to management, which provides an opportunity to address the problem. In addition, you document the facts that may be useful to you later if there is a negative result. Your contract is a legally binding commitment that provides predictability, consistency and fairness, replacing arbitrary processes that management may try to implement. 2. Once the employee has made the request, the employer has three options: **If you are called to a meeting with management at the beginning of the meeting, provide or read the following: Make a difference for your patients, your profession and working families.
Perhaps the most important aspect of union membership is the ability to negotiate a contract, which is a written guarantee supported by federal law and covers all aspects of your professional life, including practical issues, compensation, insurance benefits, vacation and vacation policies, working hours, etc. 3. If the employer rejects the request for union representation and continues to ask questions, this is an unfair labour practice and the employee has the right to refuse to respond. The employee cannot be disciplined for such a rejection, but must remain present until the supervisor has completed the interview. 1. The employee must make a clear request for union representation before or during the interview. The employee cannot be penalized for this request. Get important information about your union, your contract, Members` activities and special discounts only for Members of Parliament. To ensure that you get all the rights and benefits that your collective agreement offers, it is your responsibility to know and understand your contract. Keep a copy handy and refer whenever you have a question about an aspect of your professional life. If you find yourself in a situation that you believe creates unsafe conditions for you or your patients, complete the Assignment Objection Form (ADO) as soon as possible.
It is important to return copies to your local chief of staff, supervisor and keep one for yourself. Please also send a copy to the Member by mail, fax or email. Examples of types of situations in which you should fill out an ADO form: The American Nurses Association and MNA believe that nurses should oppose any task that puts patients or themselves in imminent danger. The nurse`s professional obligations to protect her patients are contained in the ethical standards of the profession, the standards of clinical nursing practice, and the nursing practice laws of the state. In 1987, the ANA developed a statement on ways to support nurses` abilities to exercise their right to accept or reject a work assignment. Many government nursing associations, including MNA, have developed forms for nurses to document their concerns about deployment. Above all, do not assume that your supervisor or a member of the executive board has an adequate understanding or knowledge of your contractual rights. If you are not sure how to interpret any aspect of your contract, contact a member of your union bargaining committee or our HCA staff representative. *To obtain copies of your current collective agreements, please contact your local unit head or unit representative* All montana nurses` collective bargaining members have wine rights! Below you will find detailed information about YOUR rights as a union nurse. If at any time you feel that your contractual rights are being violated or that management is not respecting the contract, talk to a member of your bargaining committee who will help you file a complaint, which is the formal process for enforcing your contractual rights. WEINGARTEN RIGHTS – Weingarten rights guarantee an employee the right to union representation during an investigative interview. These rights, established by the Supreme Court in 1975, must be claimed by the employee.
Weingarten Rules on Rights – When an investigative interview takes place, the following rules apply:. . . .