However, when I go to deals, taxes, and banking, I see both free apps and paid app deals, but when I click on ads, I can`t accept anything. This is a pop-up window with a list of countries and a button at the end that says “Close”. And that`s it. No further action is possible. No other options, even under the Action column. Apple has other agreements that developers can accept. Please note that the English version of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement that you accept in your developer account is binding and up-to-date. Translations of the selected agreements may also be available within a reasonable time after the English versions have been updated. All translations are provided for your convenience.
Developers can review all app store contract terms and policies on the Apple Developer website. Click the “Review Summary” button above, read and accept the updated license agreement Please note that the English version of the agreements you accept in your developer account is binding and up-to-date. All other language translations of selected agreements that we provide are for your convenience. To use Apple`s development tools and services or distribute software on Apple platforms, you must comply with the terms applicable in the following agreements and policies. Be sure to read the relevant terms carefully when designing and developing your software. When I sign in to my developer account, I receive a banner that says “The updated license agreement for the Apple Developer program needs to be reviewed. To update your existing apps and submit new apps to the App Store, the account holder must review and accept the updated agreement. Thank you for reporting this issue. This error often indicates that the program`s license agreement on the developer`s website has not been approved. Please ask the account holder to verify the latest agreement at developer.apple.com/account. If this has already been agreed or if no notification is displayed on this page, please let us know. .
Definitions and Section 3.3.55: Specified Requirements and Restrictions regarding the use of ShazamKit. Section 3.8: Removal of language that Apple may retain its commission if it issues refunds. In an update on the Apple Developer website, the company announced that it has updated the Apple Developer Agreement, the Program License Agreement, and Appendices 1, 2, and 3. Apple says the updates “will help clarify and support updated policies and upcoming features.” Apple Developer Program license agreement schedule. Acceptance of the latest version in the App Store Connect is required to offer paid apps and in-app purchases. Terms and conditions governing the use of the Apple Developer website, beta software, events, etc. Guidance on the use of Apple trademarks, service marks, or images in your marketing and reference materials, websites, products, and packaging. Appendix D: It was clarified that paid advertising for an app in the App Store may be presented in an advertising space and marked as advertising content. Clarification of developers who can file complaints in accordance with platform-specific regulations to the company specific to each country. Instructions for integrating Apple Pay with your website.
Terms and conditions governing the use of TestFlight, including beta testing of pre-release versions downloaded through TestFlight. . Exhibit A: Updated Apple Services LATAM LLC as an agent for the marketing and downloading of Licensed Applications by end users in Latin America in Section 1. Sections 1 through 2 specify the countries in which custom applications are available. Terms and conditions that govern participation in one or more discussion forums that Apple makes available to developers. Sections 14.3 and 14.5: Updated Notification Information. Section 3.2: Specified Practices for the Collection and Transfer of Telecommunications Taxes. Specified requirements and responsibilities for selecting and managing tax categorization for apps and in-app purchases on the App Store Connect website. Instructions on how to insert “Add to Apple Wallet” buttons in your apps, web pages, and emails, and how to use the badge in printed materials.
Terms and conditions governing the use of the App Store Connect website and the services used to distribute apps in the App Store. Send bug reports and request improvements to APIs and developer tools. Objective and Section 7: Updated TestFlight Requirements to Support Mac Applications. Appendix C: The URL of the Apple Media Services Terms of Service in Section 11 has been updated. Tell us how we can help you and we will find a solution by phone or email. Ask questions and find answers from Apple engineers and other developers. Articles 5.3, 11.2(f) and 14.8: Clarification of legal requirements for export controls. Tips on preparing your promotional graphics when your app is being considered for deployment by the App Store…
Sign in to your Apple developer account developer.apple.com/account Section 11: Remote Language indicating that Apple may use the information, suggestions, or recommendations you provide under the Agreement for any purpose. Instructions on how to insert App Store badges, photos and videos, Apple product images, etc. into your marketing communications. Appendix B: Updated reference to the current Apple Media Services Terms of Service in Sections 1 through 2. The scope of product information includes the HealthKit and HomeKit frameworks in Section 5. Article 7 clarified the legal requirements for export controls. Section 3.6: Clarification of Responsibility for Taxes Related to Apple`s Commissions and Consumer Prices. Return to your App Store Connect, Agreements, Taxes and Banks appstoreconnect.apple.com Section 3.5 of Appendix 2: Specified Requirements for the Use of End User Consumption Data. .
A set of technical, content, and design criteria that we use to review all apps and app updates submitted to the App Store to determine whether they are reliable, work as intended, respect user privacy, and are free of offensive content. . Terms and conditions governing Apple Developer Program membership and free app distribution. A guide on how to let your customers know that you support Apple Pay… .